Read in French: PRB and CREG announce a strategic alliance to promote the use of research and women on the population across Africa
April 25, 2024 Population Reference Bureau (PRB) and the Consortium Regional pour la Recherche en Economie Gnrationnelle (CREG, Regional Consortium for Research in Generational Economy) today announced a strategic alliance to strengthen their long-standing collaboration to promote the use of demographic data and population research in policy, programming and funding decisions in African nations.
To meet the demand from decision-makers across Africa seeking support in using analytics for policy and programmatic guidance, CREG President and Coordinator Professor Latif Dramani said the work of the CREG focuses on the quality of research, the training of researchers and the construction of political and budgetary tools. In our work in Francophone and Anglophone African countries, we have found that PRBs have the ability to effectively communicate to decision-makers what unmatched data and research mean.
The CREG uses data from the National Transfer Accounts (NTAs) to analyze the economic impacts of changes in population age structures by measuring how people of all ages produce, consume and share resources and save for their future. Based at the Iba Der Thiam University in Aix, Senegal, CREG develops understanding of how demographic dynamics affect economic growth, gender, generational equity, public finances and other important elements of macroeconomics on the African continent.
The CREG is NTA’s first Center of Excellence in Africa and a leader in promoting its use of data in policymaking among African countries, said Jeffrey Jordan, President and CEO of PRB . The strengthening of PRBs’ partnership with CREG gives us the opportunity to work together on activities to advance the development agenda outlined in the African Union’s Agenda 2063.
Dramani added, “This strategic alliance with PRB allows our two organizations to leverage each other’s strengths.” For decades, PRB has worked closely with African organizations so they can build their capacity to use data and analytics in communication tools and strategies that drive policy, programming and funding decisions that help improve people’s lives.
PRB, with offices in Washington, DC, Nairobi and Dakar, provides expert analysis, training, strategic advice and policy consultation and communications on demographic data and population research to decision makers, the private sector and stakeholders from civil society around the world to inform policy development. It also increases the capacity of advocates, journalists, researchers and other stakeholders to use data- and evidence-based approaches that foster dialogue and policy action in their communities.
PRB has worked with Professor Dramani and CREG since 2019 to support national and regional data on women’s time use and unpaid work in the care economy through the Counting Womens project Work funded by the Hewlett Foundation, said PRBs Africa director Assata Fall. Our new alliance supports understanding the importance of this work and its intersections with other critical agendas such as climate change, migration and population ageing.
The strategic alliance, forged following a leadership meeting of the two organizations in March 2024 in Washington, DC, represents a long-term commitment for PRB and CREG. The equal and shared partnership demonstrates PRBs’ continued commitment to engaging in equitable partnerships with local organizations leading development efforts.
About PRB
PRB promotes and supports evidence-based policy, practice and decision-making to improve the health and well-being of people worldwide. More information follow us@PRBdata.
About the CREG
The CREG links the fields of scientific research and decision-making on population issues and related fields to foster understanding of the links between demography and development in Africa. More information Follow us @CREGcenter.
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