A new study uncovers intriguing differences in metacognition between grandiose and vulnerable narcissists

(Photo credit: OpenAI's DALLE)

A recent study published in Personality and individual differences he discovered that not all narcissists think alike. Specifically, grandiose and vulnerable narcissists differ significantly in their metacognitive abilities. As a …

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Is it easier to lose weight with night workouts? Experts decode a new study


In our crowded lives, it is increasingly difficult to allocate an exact time for exercise at a certain time of day and stick to it. That’s why a new Australian …

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A little exercise can help students focus and enjoy college lectures, study finds

A little exercise can help students focus and enjoy college lectures, study finds

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A college professor has found a way to help students and himself power through long lecture classes: breaks. In a new study, an Ohio State University …

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